
How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction

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Are you tired of MTN deducting your airtime without your consent? Do you want to know how to stop MTN from taking money for services you don’t need or use? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this blog post is for you.

This post will show you how to stop MTN airtime deduction on your line for reasons such as browsing, insurance, lottery, charity, and more. I will also explain why MTN deducts your airtime and how to get a refund if you have been charged wrongly. By the end of this post, you will have learned how to take control of your airtime and save money on your MTN line.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on and discover how to stop MTN airtime deduction now!

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction

Why is MTN Deducting My Airtime?

There are several possible reasons why MTN is deducting your Airtime. Here are the most common reasons why and how to prevent or stop the deduction:

  • You are browsing with Airtime instead of data bundles. This can happen if you have not subscribed to any data plan or exhausted your data allowance. MTN charges N3/MB when you choose to browse from your airtime balance. Sometimes the service is activated automatically when you don’t have data. To stop this, you can dial *312*201#. However, if you want to enable browsing with Airtime again, dial *312*200#.
  • You have subscribed to various services and products, such as caller tunes, games, and other value-added services. These services may charge you daily, weekly or monthly fees from your Airtime. To check any active subscription on your MTN line, dial *305# and “Active Services” You should see all active subscriptions on your line and select any active service deducting your Airtime to deactivate it.
  • You have received automated MTN promo messages and clicked on them unintentionally. These messages may activate subscriptions that use your Airtime. To stop this, you can send an SMS with the word “STOP” to 2442 to stop all MTN 3rd party subscriptions or send an SMS with the specific code to the service code to stop the subscription. Check out how to activate and deactivate MTN DND service to stop receiving marketing or promotional offers from MTN.
  • If MTN has wrongly deducted your airtime, contact their customer care service by dialing 300 or message them on any of their social media handles so they run a check on your line. You may be eligible for a refund, depending on how the airtime was removed from your line.
Also Read:  7 Ways on How to Recharge MTN Airtime

MTN Airtime Deduction Without Notification

 Suppose you have subscribed to any Value added services, such as ringtones, news, horoscopes, etc. MTN will automatically deduct your airtime to pay for these services when they are on Auto-renewal. These services are often subscribed to by accident, so it’s a good idea to check active subscriptions on your line regularly by dialing *305#.

Don’t hesitate to remove any service you don’t need. If it’s active, MTN will deduct your airtime. Another way is to always turn off auto-renewals on whatever subscription you buy on MTN, be it data or any value-added services.

MTN Airtime Deduction for Browsing

MTN will deduct your Airtime for browsing if you do not have a data bundle activated and choose to browse or pay from your Airtime or credit balance. The amount of Airtime deducted will depend on how much data you use. However, note that MTN charges N3/MB. So, the longer you browse, the more your Airtime is deducted.

To avoid having your Airtime deducted for browsing, you should activate a data bundle or dial *312*201# to stop browsing from your Airtime. 

How to Stop MTN From Deducting My Airtime

To stop MTN from deducting your airtime, you can try the following methods:

  1. Dial *305# to check which service deducts your airtime.
  2. Press one and send to see the active list service(s).
  3. Enter the number of any active service you wish to stop and send.
  4. Choose the option to deactivate the service and send. 

If you’re using your airtime to browse, dial *312*201# to stop browsing with your credit.

Also Read:  How to Convert MTN Points to Airtime or Data

MTN Airtime Deduction Code

There is no specific MTN airtime deduction code. Airtime is deducted from your account when you make calls, send SMS, or when you browse with your credit. You can also lose airtime by subscribing to value-added services.

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction Daily

To stop MTN Airtime Deduction on your line daily, like data subscriptions on Auto-renewal, do the following:

  1. Log in to the myMTN app. If you don’t have the app, download it from the play store, and sign in with your MTN number.
  2. Tap “Managed Subscriptions”
  3. You’ll find all weekly subscriptions, including data on auto-renewal, active on your line.
  4. Choose the option to cancel auto-renewal or tap the option to remove it.
  5. Once you do that, you’ve successfully canceled the daily subscription. 

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction Weekly

To stop MTN Airtime Deduction on your line weekly, do the following:

  1. Log in to the myMTN app. If you don’t have the app, download it from the play store, and sign in with your MTN number.
  2. Tap “Managed Subscriptions”
  3. You’ll find all weekly subscriptions on auto renewal active on your line.
  4. Choose the one you want to remove and tap the option to remove it.
  5. Once you do that, you’ve successfully canceled the weekly subscription.

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction for Insurance

Dial *305#, then select active subscriptions. If you’re subscribed to any Insurance Services from MTN or a third party, select the service, and you should find the option to cancel or deactivate the service.

Once you deactivate the service, you’ll stop getting updates from them, and they will stop deducting your airtime.

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction for Lottery

Dial *305#, then select active subscriptions. If you’re subscribed to any Lottery services from MTN or a third party, select the service, and you should find the option to cancel or deactivate the service.

Alternatively, call 300 from your MTN line to speak to MTN customer care and request that every active lottery service or subscription on your line be canceled or removed.

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction for Charity 

Dial *305#, then select active subscriptions. If you’re subscribed to any Charity services from MTN or a third party, select the service, and you should find the option to cancel or deactivate the service.

Once you deactivate the service, you’ll stop getting updates from them, and they will stop deducting your airtime.

How to Stop MTN Airtime Deduction Monthly

To stop deductions from your MTN monthly, do the following:

Also Read:  How to Make MTN, Airtel, GLO & 9mobile Data Last Longer

Ensure that you’re not subscribed to any monthly value-added services. Dial *123*5# or dial *305# to check active subscriptions on your line.

Ensure to cancel auto-renewal on your line. This is one of the major reasons your airtime is deducted from your monthly account.

MTN Airtime Deduction Refund

MTN may refund airtime deductions if they were made in error or resulted from unauthorized activity on your account. To request a refund, contact MTN customer support by dialing 300 from the affected line.

 When you contact MTN customer support, you will need to provide the following information:

  • The affected MTN phone number.
  • The date and amount of the airtime deduction.
  • The service you subscribed to.

They will refund you if they confirm that the airtime deduction was in error or unauthorized. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Do I Cancel all MTN Subscriptions?

To cancel all MTN subscriptions, call MTN by dialing 300. Once you get through, tell the agent to cancel all active subscriptions on your line. Alternatively, dial *305# and select active services. You will be able to see a list of all your active subscriptions, and you can cancel them individually or all at once.

Why is My Airtime Turning to Data?

There are a few reasons why your airtime might be turning to data. One possibility is that you have subscribed to an MTN data plan that automatically deducts airtime from your balance when you run out of data. Another possibility is that you’re browsing with Airtime instead of data bundles. To stop this, you can dial *312*201#.

What is The Code For MTN Active Services?

The code for MTN active services is *305#. When you dial this code, you will be able to see a list of all your activated or active subscriptions then you can choose to cancel individual subscriptions or all of your subscriptions at once.

How Do I Know if I am Subscribed to Anything on MTN?

Dial *305# and select the option for active services. You’d be able to see all the services that you’re subscribed to on MTN.

How Do I Know if I Have MTN Subscriptions?

You can check if you have any MTN subscriptions by following these steps:

  1. Dial *305#.
  2. Select the “Active Services” option.
  3. A list of all the active subscriptions on your line will be displayed.

How Can I Remove My Phone From Automatic Subscribe on MTN?

To remove your phone from automatic subscribe on MTN, you can follow these steps:

  • Avoid clicking or tapping on flash messages from MTN
  • Always cancel automatic renewals for data plans or any service you subscribe to.
  • Activate MTN DND. Call MTN customer care and ask them to put your line on DND and also cancel automatic renewals and subscriptions on your MTN SIM.


I hope you have found this post helpful and informative. Now you know how to stop MTN airtime deduction for various reasons and how to get a refund if you have been wrongly charged. You also know why MTN deducts your airtime and how to avoid unwanted services and subscriptions.

With these tips, you can enjoy your MTN line without worrying about losing airtime. You can also save money and spend it on things that matter to you. 

Thank you for reading!