
How to Activate & Deactivate 9mobile Voicemail

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Have you ever missed an important call because you were busy, out of coverage, or your phone was switched off? If so, consider using 9mobile’s voicemail service so you’ll never miss any important calls again.

Voicemail is a feature that allows you to receive and send voice messages when you cannot answer a call. It is like an answering machine that records the caller’s message and lets you listen when you can.

In this blog post, I will show you how to activate & deactivate 9mobile voicemail service on your phone. By the end of this post, you will be able to enjoy the advantages of voicemail and manage your calls more efficiently. Let’s begin!

How to Activate & Deactivate 9mobile Voicemail

What is the Cost?

This service is available by default, and it is free of charge. You’ll not be charged for activating or deactivating the service or listening or deleting. However, recording, leaving a voicemail, or replying to a voicemail message is charged by N5 per second.

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How to Activate Voicemail on 9mobile

To activate Voicemail on your 9mobile line, follow these steps:

  1. Dial *299*302*1# from the 9mobile line.
  2. Wait for a confirmation message that you
  3. Call 302 and follow the voice prompt to personalize or retrieve.

How to Deactivate Voicemail on 9mobile

To deactivate Voicemail on your 9mobile line, dial ##004# and press the call button. Alternatively, call 302 and follow the prompts to choose the option to deactivate the service.

9mobile Voicemail Activation Code

The 9mobile Voicemail activation code is *299*302*1#. Dial the code from a 9mobile line to activate Voicemail on the line.

9mobile Voicemail Deactivation Code

You can dial ##004# or call 302 and follow the prompts to deactivate Voicemail on your 9mbile line.

How to Check 9mobile Voicemail Messages

Dial 302 from your line. Select the option to check or listen to Voicemail messages from the voice prompt.

9mobile Voicemail Number

The 9mobile Voicemail number is 302.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Do I Save and Send a Voicemail?

  1. On your phone, open the dialer app or call 302
  2. Listen or find the Voicemail
  3. Select the option to save or send the Voicemail.

How Do I Send a Voicemail to Another Cell Phone?

  1. On your phone, dial *303
  2. Find the Voicemail you want to send.
  3. elect the option to send the Voicemail. 
  4. Enter the phone number of the person you want to send the Voicemail.

How Do I Transfer My Voicemail to Another Device?

Use the Forward option to share or transfer your saved Voicemail messages to another device.

How Can I Check Voicemail Messages?

Dial *302# from your phone. This will take you to your voicemail inbox, where you can listen to the messages left for you while you were away.

Also Read:  How to Activate 9mobile Missed Call Alerts in 2 Quick Ways!

How Do I Know If My Phone Has Voicemail?

If you have a voicemail account, you will usually see a voicemail icon on your phone’s home screen. You can also check your phone’s settings to see if you have a voicemail account.

What Are the Benefits of Voicemail?

There are several benefits to using Voicemail. Voicemail allows you to:

  1. Leave messages for unavailable people.
  2. You’ll never have to miss an important call again.
  3. Forward voicemail messages to other people.
  4. Save voicemail messages for future reference.

Can I Retrieve Deleted Voicemails?

No, once a voicemail has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

How Long Are Voicemails Stored?

There are stored for as long as necessary until you delete them manually.

Can I Change My Voicemail Greeting?

Yes, you can change your voicemail greeting.

Can I Access My Voicemail From Another Phone?

No, you cannot access your Voicemail. 

How Do I Check My Voicemail?

To check your Voicemail, call 302 from your mobile phone and follow the prompts.


This blog post has helped you understand how to activate & deactivate 9mobile voicemail service on your phone. Voicemail is a great feature that can help you stay in touch with your contacts and never miss any important calls. 

You can personalize your voicemail settings and access your voice messages from anywhere by calling 302. To activate voicemail, dial *299*302*1#. Call 302 to deactivate the service. Stay connected with 9mobile!