
How to Cancel StarTimes Subscription

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There may be times when you want to cancel your StarTimes subscription due to reasons best known to you. You may cancel because you do not need the service or due to inactivity on your account. So, if you wish to discontinue your Startimes subscription, there are a few easy ways to cancel it.

Here is a detailed guide on how to cancel StarTimes subscription correctly. You will learn how to cancel your StarTimes subscriptions online, on your mobile phone, on MTN, and from your bank.

Without further delay, let’s get into canceling your StarTimes subscription!

How to Cancel StarTimes Subscription

How to Cancel StarTimes Subscription Online

The easiest way to cancel a StarTimes subscription online is to use the StarTimes app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. The StarTimes app allows you to manage your account, check your balance, recharge your subscription, and cancel your subscription. 

To cancel your StarTimes subscription online using the StarTimes On app, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the StarTimes app from the Google Play Store or App Store.
  2. Launch the app and log in with your phone number and password.
  3. Tap on the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap on “Manage My Subscriptions” and go to my subscription page
  5. You will see a list of bouquets that you have subscribed to. Tap on the one that you want to cancel.
  6. Tap on “Unsubscribe” and confirm your action.
  7. You will receive a message that your subscription has been canceled successfully.
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How to Cancel StarTimes Subscription on Phone

To cancel your StarTimes subscription online on the StarTimes website, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Startimes web portal
  2. Tap on “Manage My Subscriptions” and go to my subscription page
  3. You will see a list of bouquets that you have subscribed to. Tap on the one that you want to cancel.
  4. Tap on “Unsubscribe” and confirm your action.
  5. You will receive a message that your subscription has been canceled successfully.

How to Cancel Startimes Subscription on MTN

To unsubscribe or stop the auto-renewal of your StarTimes On VIP subscription, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the MyMTN App or visit the MTN website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the ‘ME’ tab.
  3. Select ‘My Orders’.
  4. Click on ‘StarTimes On VIP Orders’. 5. Go to the ‘PAID’ section. 
  5. Click on the amount you paid, e.g., N=1000. 
  6. Select ‘Unsubscribe’ to stop the auto-renewal, and you’ll be unsubscribed immediately.

How to Stop StarTimes Payment from Bank

To stop StarTimes payments from your bank, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your bank and request to stop the automatic payment.
  2. Provide the necessary details to the bank
  3. The bank will stop the automatic payment.

How to Stop StarTimes Auto Renewal

To stop StarTimes auto-renewal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your StarTimes account on the StarTimes ON app.
  2. Click on ME
  3. Select My Orders 
  4. Click on StarTimes On VIP Orders and go to PAID
  5. Click on the amount, e.g., N800, and tap ‘Unsubscribe.’
  6. You’ll be unsubscribe from the package immediately.
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Note: Ensure to do this a day or two before the subscription expires.

Things to Note about Startimes Subscription Billing and Cancelation

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when canceling your Startimes subscription: 

  1. Your current activated Startimes subscription will run until its expiration date, even if you cancel auto-renewal.
  2. Once canceled, you will need to pay the full price to reactivate Startimes, with no reduced rates.
  3. StarTimes auto-renewal subscriptions are billed in advance.
  4. StarTimes will send customers an app push notification two days before their periodic subscription date, notifying them of the next subscription billing charge that will be applied to their StarTimes bill. 
  5. If the subscription renewal billing is not processed for reasons such as expiration of the payment instrument or insufficient funds on the payment instrument, then StarTimes will retry payment every day for seven days. If it still fails after seven days, the subscription will be canceled automatically.


There you have it! How to cancel StarTimes subscription. You can cancel your subscription online, on the phone, on MTN, or from your bank. Just follow the steps outlined in this article to cancel your subscription.

  • One of the most effective ways to cancel your StarTimes subscription is to contact the StarTimes customer support team and provide them with the details they require. If you’d like to subscribe to your StarTimes, read more about how to subscribe startimes in this article.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I Cancel My StarTimes Subscription Anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your Startimes subscription at any time. However, depending on the method you use, you may have to wait a while before the cancellation is effected. Also, make sure that you cancel the subscription a day or two before your subscription expires.

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How Long Does It Take To Cancel Startimes Subscription?

The cancellation process may take up to 24 hours to complete. Once your subscription is canceled, you will no longer have access to Startimes channels. To regain access, you’ll have to subscribe to the starTimes package or bouquet again.

What Happens if I Don’t Cancel My Startimes Subscription Before the End of the Billing Period?

If you don’t cancel your subscription before the end of the billing period, you will be automatically charged for the next month if your subscription is on auto-renewal. So, ensure to cancel auto-renewals a day or two before the end of your billing cycle.

How Do I Get a Refund After Canceling My Startimes Subscription?

Startimes does not offer refunds for canceled subscriptions. This is why you need to be careful when subscribing and ensure to subscribe only when you know you’ll need the services.

How Do I Stop Startimes From Automatically Renewing My Subscription?

You can stop Startimes from automatically renewing your subscription by turning off auto-renewal in your account settings, following the tips I provided in the article. You can also contact Startimes customer service to request that they turn off auto-renewal for you.