
How to Activate & Deactivate Airtel Voicemail

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Have you ever missed an important call because you were busy, out of coverage, or switched off your phone? If yes, then you should know how to activate & deactivate voicemail on Airtel. 

Voicemail is a service that allows you to record and listen to messages from your callers when you cannot answer their calls. 

In this blog post, I will show you how to set up voicemail on Airtel. I will also explain how to listen to your voicemails and cancel the service if you no longer need it. By the end of this post, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of voicemail on Airtel and never miss a call again. Let’s begin!

How to activate & Deactivate Voicemail on Airtel

What is Airtel Voicemail Service?

Airtel’s voicemail service is a convenient way to receive messages when you cannot answer your phone. When you activate voicemail, callers will hear your custom greeting and be able to leave you a message. 

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You can then listen to your messages at your convenience. Airtel’s voicemail service allows you to reply to, forward, save, and delete voicemail messages from your contacts

Benefits of using voicemail:

  • You can receive messages even when your phone is turned off or out of range.
  • You can listen to your messages at your convenience.
  • You can save messages for future reference.
  • You can forward messages to other people.

How Much Does it Cost?

There’s no charge for receiving voicemail messages. The caller leaving you a voicemail message is charged at regular calling rates. Retrieving voicemail messages from another phone is charged at standard calling rates.

The following charges apply for voicemail services on Airtel:

Function Charged Cost (Naira)
Reply to the message Yes 10
Re-listen to the message Yes 5
Delete the message No 0
Save the message No 0
Forward the message Yes 10

How to Activate Voicemail on Airtel

To activate voicemail on Airtel  *004*08020100132# or call customer care to activate. Alternatively, dial 132 and follow the voice prompt to activate or setup voicemail 

How to Deactivate Voicemail on Airtel

To deactivate voicemail service on your line, dial ##004#. 

How to Listen to your Voicemail Messages 

To listen to your Voicemail Messages,  from your phone Keypad, dial 132 to hear your messages.

  • To listen to new voicemails, dial *0* or press 0
  • To listen to old voicemails, dial *1* or press 1

How to Change My Voicemail

Dial 132 and follow the voice prompts to make changes to your voicemail. You can also call Airtel customer service by dial 300 from your Airtel line to make changes to the Voicemail Service.

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How to Check my Voicemail 

To check to your Voicemail Messages,  from your phone Keypad, dial 132 and follow the voice prompts.

  • To listen to new voicemails, dial *0* or press 0
  • To listen to old voicemails, dial *1* or press 1

How to Delete Voicemail Messages

To delete your Voicemail Messages, do the following:

  1. Dial 132 from the Airtel line.
  2. From the prompts, to delete a message, press the number that says “Delete Voicemail”

How to Forward Voicemail Messages 

To forward your Voicemail Messages, do the following:

  1. Dial 132
  2. Listen to the message you want to forward and from the options, choose the option to forward the message (Usually option “2”).
  3. Enter the phone number you want to forward the message to.
  4. Send.

Airtel Voicemail Activation Number

The Airtel’s voicemail activation number is 132.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is the Voicemail Number for Airtel

The voicemail number for Airtel in Nigeria is 132. You can dial this number from your Airtel phone to listen to your voicemail messages.

Is Voicemail Available in Nigeria?

Yes, Voicemail is available in Nigeria. Follow the instructions in this article to set up Voicemail on your Airtel line.

How Do I Stop Voicemail Messages From Being Sent to My Email on Airtel

To stop voicemail messages from being sent to your email on Airtel, call Airtel customer service and ask them to stop sending them to your email.

How Do I Disable Voicemail on Airtel

To turn off Voicemail on Airtel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Dial 132 
  2. Choose the option to disable Voicemail.
  3. Alternatively, dial ##004# to disable Voicemail from your Airtel line.
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How Do I Activate Airtel Voicemail on My iPhone?

To activate Airtel voicemail on your iPhone, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to dialer on your phone.
  2. Press and hold “1” to enter Voicemail settings or tap the Voicemail icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Follow the prompts to activate Voicemail on your iPhone. 

What Do I Dial to Activate Voicemail?

To activate Voicemail on your Airtel phone, dial 132 from your phone and follow the prompts to activate Voicemail on your line.

What Is the Number for My Voicemail?

The Airtel voicemail number is 132. You can dial this number from any phone to listen to your voicemail messages.

How Do I Cancel My Airtel Voicemail?

To cancel your Airtel voicemail, follow these steps:

  1. Dial 132 from your Airtel line.
  2. Choose the option to cancel Voicemail.
  3. You can also dial ##004# to cancel Voicemail.

What Do I Press to Cancel Voicemail?

When you dial 132, from the list of options given, choose the option to disable Voicemail. Select the option by inputting the number to cancel the Voicemail.

Can You Remove a Voicemail?

Yes, you can remove a voicemail from your Airtel phone. To do this, you can follow these steps:

  1. Dial 132 from your Airtel phone.
  2. Select the voicemail message that you want to delete.
  3. Choose the option to delete the voicemail message.

What Is the Code to Deactivate Voicemail on iPhone?

To deactivate Voicemail on your iPhone, dial ##004# from your phone. This will turn off Voicemail on your iPhone.

Why Is My Voicemail Not Working?

Here are some possible reasons why Voicemail is not working on your line:

  1. You might not have activated Voicemail on your phone. Follow the tips in this article to activate.
  2. Your voicemail inbox might be full. Remove or delete some of the messages to create space for more to come in.
  3. There might be a problem with the Airtel voicemail service. In this case, you’ll have to be patient for the service to be restored.


Voicemail is a useful service that can help you stay connected with your callers even when you can’t answer their calls. It is easy to activate and deactivate voicemail on Airtel. All you need to do is dial 132 and follow the voice prompts.

This blog post has helped you understand how to activate & deactivate Voicemail on Airtel and enjoy its benefits. Contact Airtel customer support for assistance if you have any questions or issues. Thank you for reading!