
How to Activate GLO Missed Call Alert Quickly in Seconds

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Have you ever missed an important call because your phone was turned off or unreachable? If so, you may be interested in GLO’s missed call alert service. This service provides free notifications for missed calls when your phone is unavailable or switched off, as well as notifications to your callers when you are back online or unavailable.

This article will cover everything you need to know about how to activate GLO Missed Call Alert notifications and service, including who can use it, how to activate it, how to deactivate it, how to manage it, and what other benefits it offers. 

Without further delay, let’s begin!

How to Activate GLO Missed Call Alert Quickly in Seconds

What is GLO Missed Call Alert?

GLO Missed Call Alert (MCA) is a service that allows you to receive notifications about missed calls when your phone is switched off, unreachable or busy. You will get an SMS with the caller’s number, date and time of the call. This way, you can easily call back or send a message to the person who tried to reach you.

Additionally, GLO Missed Call Alert sends notifications to your caller that the number they were trying to reach is available on the network. This feature is called NOTIFY ABOUT ME (NAM).

Benefits/Features of GLO Missed Call Alert

The GLO missed call alert service has numerous benefits and features that benefit both callers and receivers. Here are some of the advantages:

  • The service is accessible to all GLO subscribers.
  • You will receive notifications for any missed calls that occur while you are unreachable or your phone is off.
  • Your friend or caller will be informed when you become available.
  • You have the option to disable the service whenever you want.

How to Activate GLO Missed Call Alert?

There are two ways you can activate GLO Missed Call Alert:

How to Activate GLO Missed Call Alert Via SMS

To start receiving missed call notifications on your GLO line, Send Start  as an SMS to 606.

You will get a notification that you’ve successfully activated missed call notifications on your line.

How to Activate GLO Missed Call Alert From Customer Care

If you want to receive missed call notifications on your GLO line, you can activate the service by following these steps:

  1. Dial 300 from your GLO line. 
  2. Select the option to speak with a representative. 
  3. Request to activate missed call alerts or notifications (MCA) on your line. 
  4. The agent will either activate the service or guide you through the process.

You will receive a confirmation message once your activation is successful.

How to Deactivate GLO Missed Call Alert

If you want to stop receiving missed call notifications, you can deactivate the service anytime by SMS. Send STOP M as an SMS to 606

You will receive a confirmation message once your deactivation is successful.

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Frequently Asked Questions: GLO Missed Call Alert and NAM

Here are some common questions and answers about GLO Missed Call Alert and NAM:

How Many Missed Call Alerts Can I Receive in a Day?

You’ll receive all notifications for missed calls in a day when you’re unavailable or not reachable due to network or low battery.

How Long Are the Missed Call Alerts Stored in My Phone?

Missed Calls messages and notifications are stored for 24 hours and are delivered as soon as the phone is on. After 24 hours,  information is deleted. 

How Do I Know if My Caller Has Received a Notification From Me?

You can’t send or know if your caller has received a notification. GLO will automatically send a notification to the caller when you’re available to take calls.

Can I Use GLO Missed Call Alert and NAM While Roaming?

Yes, you can use GLO Missed Call Alert and NAM while roaming, but you may incur additional charges depending on the roaming partner.

Can I Use Glo Missed Call Alert and NAM With Other GLO Services?

Yes. You can use all GLO services alongside MCA and NAM.


NOTIFY ABOUT ME (NAM) is an additional service that works with GLO Missed Call Alert. It notifies your caller that the number they were trying to reach is available to take their calls. For example, if your phone was switched off or unreachable when someone called you, they will get an SMS when your phone is back on or reachable, saying something like “The number you called earlier is now available. You may wish to call again.”

Who is Eligible For NAM?

NAM is also available for registered suscribers on the GLO network.

How to Activate NAM?

Send Start N as an SMS to 606.

How to Deactivate NAM?

If you want to stop sending notifications to your callers, you can deactivate NAM anytime by sending Stop N as an SMS to 606.

Why is My Missed Call Notification Not Showing Up?

Ensure that you have good network coverage and you can receive messages. Also, make sure that you’ve activated missed call notifications. If the problem persists, restart your phone and see if this fixes the problem. If it doesn’t, call GLO customer service for assistance.

Also Read:  How to Check BVN on MTN, Airtel, GLO & 9mobile


GLO Missed Call Alert is a useful service provided by GLO to its subscribers. Once activated, GLO sends notifications for missed calls when the phone is off, unreachable, or busy. Once activated, users receive an SMS with the caller’s number, date, and time. 

Additionally, the Notify About Me (NAM) feature notifies callers when the recipient becomes available to receive their call. This service ensures that important calls are not missed. Ensure to follow the tips in this article to activate or deactivate GLO missed alert. Stay Connected with GLO!